Thursday, December 30, 2010


The title itself remarks a quest. Guess who's that? Villain is not only cause by external force it may also be cause by internal force. The human being are villain and good friend for them self.

Let's talk about Mr. Villain first, none other than MR. EGO ! It's not that ego is always bad. Most of the time, ego is one of the element being a driving factor for our success path... regardless what is our ambition. Ego is neither bad or good...
    I,ve seen number of people achieving their objectives once they do use ego in a proper manner... However, what is always happening is that we are facing so egoistic people most of the days that might end of the day actually cheat them self. As I say ego neither good or bad but ego but if you just listen to the villain without listening to your sweetheart then is when we tend to do mistakes. We can always learn and rectify our mistakes but the words that utter is always as sharp as the sword.
     I admit that I do also make mistakes sometimes even terrible one. The most important thing is that not to cover what we did if it is wrong but actually to see and review the mistake that we had committed hence to reflect from it.
    We are born not actually to fight with others... the most important person that we should fight about is our internal ego. Ego is always the villain that comes out when you are in a challenged situation. Sometimes his help made life so easy as we tend to hurt people's feelings by throwing out nonsense without concern.
    This sweet villain manipulate our feeling. To protect our self we tend to pass on lies, give excuses, etc... just for one reason of being and showing "I'M THE BIG BOSS" !
   However just after a couple of day, just that the same incident happen is to your pal... what will be your reaction? I am pretty sure we will come out with thousands of answers on how to deal the situation but this is because we are thinking on the other one's shoe. Hence, definitely an argument can be resolved is we never give an ear to the sweet villain. This villain is very smart of course right he is a villain!. He will continue to uphold you to continue with the mess and sometimes u'll be staying with this mess just because u don't really want to say the magic word "SORRY"!
    Therefore, always keep in mind that, when u're tensed up just remind the Sweet Villain not to disturb you and listen to your Sweet Heart to make a good decision. Allow me to use this portal to seek  forgiveness in case if I do have  hurt your feelings in any manner. Thousand apologies... as I am also a human.

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